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Broken Bat 2:
Villains United
Following being captured and handed over to Black Skull, our Dark Maiden is blackmailed into submitting to one torment after another. After an introduction to her new life at the hands of Black Skull, he shows his new prize at the Glacier Lounge, where she is forced to dance for the crowd and pleasure the club's owner.
When her debut at the club proves popular, our heroine is served up to some of the city's worst criminals for their use, including Mercy, Deathpool, and the Straw Nightmare, with a guest appearance from Harlequin.
Includes: Gas Attack, Choking, Cleave Gag, Nipple Clamps, Titty Bang (simulated), Coerced Compliance, Multiple BJs (simulated), Stomach Blows, Groping, Costume Destruction, Blackmail, Exotic Dancing, Spanking, Backbreaker, AOH, Wrist Bondage, Sim-Sex, Sim Spitroast, Topless Nudity, Fake Fluids.
Runtime: 48 minutes
Category: Parody